PETALING JAYA: Wives who “obey, serve and entertain” their husbands can help reduce social ills such as prostitution and domestic abuse, according to members of The Obedient Wives Club.
The Club, to be launched Saturday by Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, aims to teach wives how to keep their husbands happy and contented.
Global Ikhwan, an organisation founded by former members of the banned Al-Arqam Islamic group, also launched the Ikhwan Polygamy Club two years ago.
Global Ikhwan spokesperson Siti Maznah Mohd Taufik said that many social ills were caused by disobedient wives who failed to bring joy to their husbands.“Domestic abuse happens because wives don't obey their husband's orders. A man must be responsible for his wife's wellbeing but she must listen to her husband,”
Siti Maznah, 48, also stressed that husbands would not stray and turn to prostitutes if wives supplied them with a satisfying sex life.She said women had the duty of making themselves attractive and dressing up beautifully at home.
“Wives should welcome them with sexy clothes and alluring smiles when in the privacy of their homes,” she said, adding that she herself did the same as everyone in the club practised what they preached.Siti Maznah, a second wife and mother to five children, said she treated her husband's first wife like her elder sister.
“Altogether, we have 16 children in our household. My husband is a happy man, you can see it from his actions,” she said.According to her, the Ikhwan Polygamy Club now has over 1,000 members comprising both husbands and wives. The average number of children per polygamous household ranges from four to 26.Siti Maznah admitted that husbands were not perfect and it was natural for disagreements to occur, sometimes.“We can have discussions and disagreements. We don't just keep quiet when we don't agree with our husbands,” she said.However, as long as husbands did not go against Islamic law, their final word was law, she said
(excerpted from The Star 4th June 2011)
First of all I know this controversial piece of news gonna flabbergast people cause I actually today pick up a copy of a newspaper and read it (being a former UG fanzine editor-always thought that mainstream media is full of bullshit fyi I havent read one in years). So those who are close to me—especially lope n my crew- arini aku bace paper bro!!!!
So that was the first reason for people to have their jaw dropped… wait until you hear about what is my stand on the issue … well I kinda agreed…(ok jaws droppin-tutup mulut skit lalat masuk kang) Yeah I know I am a self proclaim liberal muslim feminist suddenly agreeing to this archaic notion that is perhaps moved the feminist movement 50 years back.
lemme makes this simple, when we were married… did he Qadhi says with the name of allah most gracious most merciful or did he says by the power vested in me by the state of xxxxx… so if you answers the first option meaning clearly you’re a Muslim tying a contract f marriage in the name of Allah which is considered an act of ibadah and like all ibadah it have rules and regulation that regulates performance of the ibadah, simple example: can you suddenly decide to pray zuhur in the morning? you cant? Why? Because zuhur is performed in the afternoon. This concept of ibadah applies to all walks of life
before I continue with my arguments and continue to make your jaw drops lemme just clarify one thing I am not a theologist , but iam gonna quote from the quran and hadith.
“People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah's trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness.” The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Last Sermon This sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in the 'Uranah valley of Mount Arafat' (in Mecca).
So those kickin n screaming saying that this is unfair for women we are being oppressed bla..bla..bla.. hey I got news this is the first proclamation on spousal rights a 7th century version of a prenuptial… so before you go all hysterical- take note women do have rights, if a women’s obey their husband he reserve the right to feed ,clothes and to be treated with kindness, although in the 21cent there are useless mens that maintains this relationships without fulfilling these conditions but even then women have rights dissolve or maintains the marriage. So if u are that unhappy…..( u know the answers)
Any woman who dies when her husband is pleased with her will enter Paradise. - The Prophet (saw)
"If I were to command a single person to bow in prostration to an other person, I could have commanded a women to bow down to her husband." - The Prophet (saw)
Perhaps my argument so far have been black n white without touchin any grey area, well for me it is clearly black and white, and the above two hadiths clearly shows my stand--- finally this world is gonna end—and our ultimate goal is to survive in the other world, we carry nuthin but our deeds… so be husband be it wives we are going to answer for what you have done in this world good n bad, for better or worse... pray for guidance from allah because believe me allah knows best :P
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