Monday, February 13, 2012

The Hands That Guides

Here I sat in my cubicle thinking... about my student, saying that he wanted to get a plastic surgery because he is not cute enough. This the same person that called me sobbing saying that he was not cool enough because he was not rich enough. On top of that he starts blaming his parents for his looks and blames his friends for not wanting to go out with him. Mind you at this point of time I am already sick and tired of his antics. Grumbling over petty stuff, behaving like your 9 when you are 19. It’s just too much!!!
Let me elucidate this point “Life is a Bitch!” it would swallow you whole and spit you out in pieces!! But this is life. It is not how hard you fall it’s about how fast u get back on your feet. Life is the bully that pulls the rug from underneath you so you can fall on your face while he laughs at you. Life is a constant survival of the fittest. I myself constantly finds myself in dead ends, they are days sometimes weeks or months that everything just go wrong, they are days when I throw the towel and leave! And its good to know if you have tried every possible avenues and things do not work you should just surrender. There is no point fighting a battle that could not be won.
He asked me how can he be loved and be happy! My honest answer was in order to be loved you first must learn to love and appreciate ourselves!  Yes its sounds corny and tacky but that is the fact ! a person that loved themselves would appear confident and couldn’t be bothered what others thinks of their self image, thus contributing to the fact that they are more honest in their self image and more preferred. Usually confident people are fun , friendly and easy going therefore it is not suprising they have more friends.
As far as being happy in concern, happiness is a choice! You choose to be happy and content with what you have. Contentment would create a feeling of being bless, thus creating a blissful life. The choice is in your hand, do you want to see the glass half full or half empty?
Grumbling over petty childish stuff, when there are famines, war and children being killed not only seem petty to me but somewhat annoying. Learn to be grateful, only when you feel grateful you will feel blessed and with this bliss would come in a package. So sit your ass down start looking at your life in a retrospect and count your blessings. Stop whining! Look at yourself you might not be the best looking lad around but you are not a handicapped, you might not be the brightest kid but you parents have provided you with the best education money can buy.  You might not have the most expensive clothes but you still have clothes over your back, you might not have the best food but you are still eating, you might not have the latest gadgets but you still have the necessity to survive
Since  my students is a Muslim I would like to end my advice with my favorite verse from the holy Quran: "Your Lord has decreed : "The more you thank Me, the more I give you. But if you turn unappreciative, then My retribution is severe." 14:7